

Butterflies swarmed everywhere in the bright morning sunshine, and the early summer’s day was clear and perfect. All the people of Alegria filled the Village clearing, along with a few chosen friends and family.

Uncle and Grandmother stood below the Village’s ceremonial tree, heavy with blooms and scenting the air with its delicious and subtle fragrance. They were both smiling, resplendent in their robes of royal blue and golden yellow, and waiting patiently. The women were still fussing over Kate’s bridal garlands behind the screens at the rear of the clearing.

Rick stood in front of the congregation, flanked by JC, Mason, Dominique and Edison. The men were all in their full military dress uniforms, as were several of Rick’s relatives in the congregation behind them.

Dee and Carrie stood with Madison, Natalie, and Juanita, all smiling as Kate appeared on Tyson and Eric’s arms. They slowly walked Kate to the tree, sniffing and grumping against their tears the whole way, before taking their seats in the front row.

As Kate walked the last few paces to Rick’s side, Natalie discreetly pointed into the tree at two emerald finches flitting about and singing in courtship. Kate smiled in recognition of Natalie’s good luck birds. She took a moment to gaze around, seeing the faces of every person in the world that she loved, all beaming back at her.

Looking at her husband to be, she saw every bit of the love she felt for him reflected in his eyes, and she knew she was home.

Grandmother and Uncle rapped their staffs three times in unison…


Every time Juan-Carlos caught sight of her, he was sure he felt his heart stop. He was standing next to Rick as his best man and couldn’t be too obvious as he nervously and repeatedly scanned the congregation. It wasn’t just that she was simply the most stunningly attractive woman he had ever seen, although she was; she had an energy about her that radiated the beauty of her soul in a way that was beyond anything he could describe.

She was elusive and intoxicating. With every stolen glance, it seemed as if she was more beautiful than he remembered, even if his last glimpse of her had been only a moment before. When he finally made eye contact with her, she smiled at him, and he felt as if he had just stepped in front of a high-speed train. His whole body was still trembling when Grandmother and Uncle rapped their staffs to begin. Barely able to stand without swaying, Juan-Carlos was sure that he could still feel her behind him.

As soon as he could after the ceremony, he began searching through the milling crowd with a sense of urgency. He was unable to understand how or why she affected him as she did, but he knew he needed to find her. After walking around the crowd several times in vain, he spotted Dee and Carrie standing to one side.

Walking over to ask them if they knew anything about her, JC still felt off balance and shaken. Dee caught sight of him approaching and brushed Carrie’s arm. Carrie turned and smiled at him. ‘There you are! JC, I want to introduce you to my cousin. Juan-Carlos this is Isabelle…


With the help of a small electric forklift, Eric and Tyson hung the large, stainless-steel panel behind the reception desk. They secured the heavy plaque in place, wanting to surprise the newlyweds on their return.

It was a perfect casting of the words that Kate’s father had welded into the leg of the bridge so long ago. Both men remembered watching and helping him weld those original letters nearly thirty years earlier. They had added the title above his words, knowing it was right.


Ironwood Engineering Solutions

This is the first part of

the first of many bridges

 built by Nathaniel Jones,

Loving husband of Marjorie,

Proud father of Catherine.

All I ever build, I build for them.


They both communicated in grunts to deny the tears that threatened them as they recognised how everything had come full circle. Placing a spirit level against the metal one more time, they both checked it and nodded. Their job well done, Tyson and Eric shook hands. Tyson said, ‘As it should be.’ Both men knew they were talking about far more than the sign. Eric looked at his friend and colleague. ‘Perfect.’




The End

… for now.

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