Chapter Sixteen


Part One

After saying goodbye to Harold and closing the door, Kate took a moment to work out that it was Saturday evening.  She spotted a note on the table that Dee and Carrie had left, reminding her that they were at a gig. She had a shower before warming a cup of clear vegetable broth, always a faithful standby in the refrigerator of any professional chef. It was fast, light and offered better nutrition than most other sixty-second options. As soon as she had snuggled in under her covers, Kate fell into a deep dreamless sleep, barely moving until sunshine filled her room in the morning.

Awake, relaxed and comfortable in her bed, Kate let her mind sort through her thoughts. She found that her marriage and divorce felt more like a movie she’d seen too many times, rather than…   >> MORE <<

Part Two

Their business was now fully booked out many months ahead. The spaces in their calendar that had been available when she’d gone to Rick’s place on Thursday were filled. As she re-examined the numbers, Kate noted that all of the new bookings were for very solid events. She looked forward and back through the months, not seeing a small job anywhere. Randomly opening the notes on different bookings, Kate recognised many of the city’s genuine power players as either the booking party, or high on the lists of attending VIPs. The girls just sat there, grinning, watching Kate catch up with what they already knew.

Dee said, ‘They started coming in on Saturday from mid-morning. I went through two phone charges just taking the bookings. When I called Juanita to ask if it was them…   >> MORE <<

Part Three

After the tables were cleared, Carrie asked Alberto to bring Luka and Melissa out. She announced their chefs for the evening to cheers of their highly impressed party. The looks on Dee's and Kate’s faces showed their agreement the moment they caught on. Dee smiled and Katie nodded subtly before Carrie said, ‘They are also working with us from now on.’

After the cheers and introductions, Alberto brought bottles of grappa out and poured an overly generous number of marginally dangerous measures into everyone’s glasses, offering many toasts and gushing happily. Recognising the skills that the pair had demonstrated, their staff readily accepted Luka and Melissa. Carrie sent Melissa back into the kitchen a few times to make different sauces requiring experienced timing and a deft touch to get right. Carrie smiled to herself when she saw Melissa’s delight every time she threw a new challenge to her.

While Melissa was tidying up in the kitchen, Carrie joined her…   >> MORE <<


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