Chapter Four


Part One

The amigas and their staff had subconsciously started to mark time’s passing by Dominique’s gigs and another three weeks had flown by. The girls shared breakfast, discussing how much they were looking forward to tomorrow’s day of indulgence, starting with a sleep-in and followed-up by a Sunday at the spa and dinner with Alberto and his family. The city’s election cycle was reaching fever pitch and the amigas were ready for a break after working the last sixteen days straight.

Over their regular after breakfast talk-through, the girls reviewed their plans…   >> MORE <<

Part Two

Kate called the couturier in the morning. ‘Hi my name is Kate Sh… sorry, Catherine Jones.’

 A friendly voice said, ‘Ms Jones, Mr Savagewood said you would call. May we set a time today for your final fitting?’

Kate protested. ‘Excuse me, a final fitting? I haven’t even had a first fitting-’

‘Are you free later this morning? Harold is your driver and is at your disposal at any time convenient to you. Would 11:30 be suitable?’

Kate felt herself slightly overwhelmed. Just let go, her mind urged. She allowed herself to be swept into the current and said, ‘Eleven-thirty is great…   >> MORE <<

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