Chapter Three


Part One

Boarding the waiting water taxi, a uniformed man met them and made sure they were comfortable before motoring away from the dock. The small boat rocked slightly in the wake of a barge pushing heavily against the current in the main channel. Watching Dominique slip the paper bag into a cloth satchel that Edison had included in the bag, Kate asked, ‘What if I told you I’m afraid of the water?’

‘I would be very disappointed in Ms Danielle’s powers of recall, Catherine.’

‘Dominique, you have obviously corrupted her totally.’

‘Please, call me Dom.’…   >> MORE <<

Part Two

After struggling his mouthful away, he said, ‘I would like you ladies to run a function for me every three weeks, starting on Saturday, a week from tomorrow.  Most will be on about the same scale as the last, but with a slight amendment. Ms Danielle has already affirmed that the upcoming dates are available.’…   >> MORE <<

Part Three

Only Edison remained in her memories between the moment she left Dom at the dock and arriving home. Their return down the ladder, the water taxi back to shore, and the drive home all went by in a blur. Edison had maintained a respectful silence throughout their journey, just looking at her in the rear-view mirror now and then with a friendly smile. In private, with her, he was warm and compassionate; but Kate saw another face when he looked at the outside world, one that was far more ancient than his more jovial persona.

She remembered her father’s description of what he called ‘thousand yard’ and ‘thousand year’ stares that his war veteran buddies often wore. She had occasionally seen the same look on her father’s face. A thought occurred to her. Edison and Dad would have been friends.

When Edison helped her from the car and said goodbye, Kate hugged him on impulse…   >> MORE <<

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