Chapter Twenty-Six


Part One

Grandmother stood and began telling a far more detailed account of their home, long before the trouble. She told stories she’d learned from her elders and teachers, and stories from her time as a girl, and later, as a woman. She shared her memories and the histories of her people through the songs of Alegria. The amigas listened to her in rapt attention, feeling as though they were experiencing the memories first hand through Grandmother’s words. When she finished, a light meal of cooked fruit and plain rice came out.

Uncle stood next and told of the times when he was young, taking up where Grandmother’s story had left off. He told many of his stories with humour, using clever imagery and metaphors to bring his songs to life. Everyone could see in their minds the characters and events as he described…   >> MORE <<

Part Two

When every person there had received some more of Grandmother’s potion, Maria stood and described the first moment that the people saw Alegria, their new home, twenty-one years ago today. Grandmother joined her, and together they told Alegria’s stories of loves and marriages, life and rejoicing. Kate felt tears running freely down her face as they all wept, sharing their profound elation. Uncle stood with them and they told stories of beauty, wonder and acceptance.

The listeners grew ecstatic with the energy of these positive songs, and the atmosphere became palpably vibrant. Suddenly the log drum resonated in a long series of deep irregular notes. The bass notes changing tempo as more drummers joined in, creating a rapid rhythm that was a sound of pure joy. Kate felt the music lift her body…   >> MORE <<

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